Sandy Galabada | Photographer


Exploring the Art of Film Photography:A Journey with Kodak Gold 200

By : Sandy Galabada

Street Photograapher | Designer

I remember the day I walked into “The Camera Workshop” shop in Singapore with a sense of excitement and anticipation. After doing some research, I decided on the Pentax SF7 (1988 – K mount )as my first film camera. The staff at the shop were very helpful, and they patiently answered all my questions and helped me choose the perfect camera for my needs. After browsing through their selection of film, I decided to go with the Kodak Gold 200 as my first film which was the cheapest. 

I headed straight to Chinatown, one of my favorite spots in Singapore for street photography, with my new camera and film. I felt inspired the moment I arrived, surrounded by vibrant colors, bustling crowds, and an eclectic mix of cultures. I knew this was the perfect setting to test out my new camera and film.

Once I took my pictures in Chinatown, I was eager to see how they turned out. The process of developing film can be daunting for beginners like me, but I was fortunate enough to have stumbled upon Whampoa Colour Centre at 272 Balestier Rd, Singapore 329723. The staff there were friendly and knowledgeable, and they helped me through the process of developing. However, as a contemporary photographer who loves vintage colors, I wanted a bit more character in the colors, something that would give my photos a unique look and feel. While I was happy with the results, I knew that I wouldn’t be using Kodak Gold 200 for every shoot, and I started to search for other film options that would better suit my style. 

Despite this, I was incredibly happy with my experience using Kodak Gold 200 for my first film photography shoot. The film was easy to input and use, and the results were impressive. The Pentax SF7 and Tamron 28-80 zoom lens also performed admirably, allowing me to capture sharp, detailed photos that truly captured the colors of Chinatown. It was a memorable experience, and it was the beginning of my love affair with film photography.

Overall, my first experience with Kodak Gold 200 for film photography was a success and I am grateful for the staff at “the camera workshop” who helped me choose the right camera and film, and I’m proud of the images I captured in Chinatown. While I may not use Kodak Gold 200 for every shoot, I will always cherish the memories of my first roll of film and the joy it brought me.

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